The 5 Pillars of Innovation according to Steve Jobs.

On Oct 5th, 2022, it will have been 11 years since Steve Jobs passed away, leaving Apple in the care of Tim Cook. Many factors contribute to a person's success. Some people are born with natural talents, while others have to work harder to achieve the same level of success. In the case of Steve Jobs, his unique approach to innovation was what made him one of the most successful business people in history. He was able to see things in a different light and come up with ideas that no one else had thought of before. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at his approach to innovation and find out why it was so successful.

 When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, he sparked a revolution that would change the tech industry forever. Under his leadership, Apple released groundbreaking products like the iPod, iPhone, and iPad, which transformed the way we consume music, access information, and communicate with each other. Since Jobs' passing in 2011, many observers have argued that Apple's once-vaunted innovation engine has begun to sputter. While the company has continued to release new products, such as the Apple Watch and AirPods, many argue that these products are incremental rather than revolutionary. Moreover, Apple's hardware advances over the past decade pale compared to the leaps made under Jobs. In short, it seems that since Jobs' death, Apple has focused more on improving and integrating its existing hardware rather than truly innovating.

1. What Jobs meant when he said, "Innovation is not about saying yes to everything."

At first glance, this statement may seem counterintuitive - shouldn't we be encouraging innovation and creativity at all costs? However, upon closer examination, Jobs' assertion makes a lot of sense. Too often, people equate innovation with unrestrained growth and excessive change. However, true innovation is about much more than simply adding new features or making sweeping changes. It's about making intelligent decisions that lead to lasting impact. And sometimes, the best way to achieve that is by saying no to unnecessary change. By being selective and focused in our efforts, we can create something extraordinary that will stand the test of time. That's what Jobs meant when he said, "Innovation is not about saying yes to everything." And it's a philosophy that has served him - and Apple - very well over the years.

2. The importance of challenging the status quo.

It is crucial to challenge the status quo in a constantly changing world. If we never question how things are, we will never know if there is a better way. As Steve Jobs once said, "The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do." Challenging the status quo doesn't mean abandoning all tradition and structure - instead, it means being open-minded and willing to try new things. It means looking at the world with fresh eyes and seeing opportunities for improvement. So next time you find yourself in a rut, remember to challenge the status quo. You just might be surprised by what you can achieve.

3. How Jobs' passion for design drove his innovation.

Anyone who has ever used an iPhone or MacBook knows Apple products have a sleek design and intuitive interface. Many people don't know that the company's co-founder and former CEO, Steve Jobs, was a passionate advocate for good design. His insistence on putting design first led to some of Apple's most groundbreaking innovations. When Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, he made design a top priority, infusing the company with new creative energy. Under his leadership, Apple released iconic products like the iMac G3, iPod, and iPhone. Each of these devices was not only beautifully designed but also easy to use, thanks to Jobs' focus on creating a great user experience. This commitment to design helped make Apple one of the world's most successful and innovative companies.

4. Why collaboration is key to innovation.

 There's no question that innovation is key to success in today's competitive marketplace. But what may be less obvious is that collaboration is often the key to innovation. Take Apple, for example. The company has long been known for its culture of secrecy and individual achievement. However, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was also a master of collaboration, bringing together diverse teams of people to achieve groundbreaking results. It was Jobs' ability to encourage and harness the power of collaboration that helped make Apple one of the most innovative companies in the world. Collaboration is essential to sparking new ideas and driving growth. By bringing together people with different perspectives and skills, businesses can create an environment where innovation can thrive.

 5. The role intuition played in Jobs' approach to innovation.

Steve Jobs always trusted his intuition when it came to innovation. In an interview with Fast Company, he explained: "I trust in something called 'Preparing the Ground.' You take thousands of tiny steps, and suddenly you're there." Jobs' gut feeling led him to do things others thought were crazy, like getting rid of the floppy disk drive on the first iMacs. But his instincts paid off; the sleek design of the iMac was a hit with consumers. Intuition also played a role in Jobs' decision to focus on designing great user experiences. He believed they would be successful if he and his team could create products people loved using. And once again, he was right. The user-friendly interface of the iPhone and iPad helped Apple become one of the most successful companies in the world. So next time you're second-guessing a gut feeling, remember Steve Jobs and the role intuition played in his approach to innovation.


As you can see, Steve Jobs' passion for design, commitment to collaboration, and intuition drove his unique approach to innovation. By following his example, we can all learn to be more innovative in our work. So next time you feel stuck, remember Jobs' advice: "Think different." You just might come up with the next big thing.


What do you think made Steve Jobs so innovative?


Dr. Mike Testa