How to Take a Break from Social Media and 5 Things to Help Refocus Your Social Media Strategy

I am active on social media. owns the username within the most prominent social media platforms. But occasionally, Instagram and Facebook crash the internet implodes. In 2018, I started a new business called Iron Lion Wellness. It was an online personal training platform. When I started my social media campaign, Facebook and Instagram went dark. Fast forward to Oct 4, 2021, about four days into the relaunch of, the same situation happened: Facebook and Instagram went dark. It can be frustrating when social media goes down, especially if you're in the middle of trying to post something meaningful. But outages can also be an excellent opportunity to hit the pause button and assess your social media strategy. This is your chance to make sure that everything you're doing aligns with your goals.

There is an old proverb; "When the fishermen can't go out to sea, they mend their nets." What can you do to clean up your social media during an outage? Outages are a great opportunity to pause and audit your social media accounts. You are not losing any clients or falling behind your competitors. You have a proverbial pit stop to assess your social media strategy and align it with your goals. As we have seen, this happens about once every 2-3 years. But do you have to wait to hit the pause button?

If you need permission to take a break from social media, consider this your official permission slip. Social media crashes are a respite from the likes, dislikes, FOMO, and endless trolling. Take a break and breath. You will be able to get back on the social media hamster wheel soon enough.

1. The Importance of Taking a Break from Social Media

Social media has become an increasingly important part of our lives. We use it to stay in touch with friends and family, to get news and information, and to socialize. However, social media can also hurt our mental health. Being constantly exposed to the positive images and messages people post on social media can create a sense of envy and dissatisfaction with our lives. In addition, social media can be a significant time suck, making it difficult to focus on other important aspects of our lives and business. Constantly scrolling through feeds can lead to feelings of envy, anxiety, and loneliness. In addition, social media can be a significant source of misinformation and fake news. For these reasons, it's important to take a break from social media now and then. By disconnecting from social media, we can give ourselves a chance to recharge and refocus on what is truly important for ourselves or our business.

2. How to Know When it's Time for a Break

As businesses increasingly turn to social media to reach their customers, it is necessary to know when too much social media can be counterproductive. An over-abundance of social media can not only be overwhelming for customers but also make your business appear scattered and inefficient. So how can you tell when it's time to take a break from social media? One key indicator is whether social media is taking up too much time that you can spend on other tasks. If you spend hours scrolling through tweets or posts, it may be time to limit your social media usage. Another indicator is whether social media is negatively affecting your mood or causing you stress. Suppose social media is causing you anxiety or preventing you from enjoying your life outside of work. In that case, it's time to unplug for a while (notice a trend here?). Finally, consider whether social media is helping you achieve your business goals. Suppose social media isn't driving sales or helpings you to build meaningful relationships with customers. In that case, it may be time to focus your attention elsewhere. Social media can be an excellent tool for businesses, but it's essential to know when enough is enough. 

3. What to do During Your Social Media Detox

A business social media detox is a great way to break from the constant stream of information and connect with your offline friends and colleagues. Here are some tips on how to make the most of your detox:

  • Set some boundaries. Decide how long you want to go without checking social media and stick to your plan. If you are getting anxious or antsy, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you can always check back later.

  • Use the time to focus on other aspects of your business. Take this opportunity to catch up on paperwork, return phone calls, or work on that project you've been putting off.

  • Connect with people offline. Now is the perfect time to have that coffee date with a colleague or meet up with an old friend for lunch. You may be surprised at how refreshing it is to have a conversation without referencing a tweet or Instagram post!

  • Enjoy the silence. One of the best things about disconnecting from social media is that it gives you a chance to clear your head and enjoy peace. Spend some time outside, meditating and reflecting on why you are in the business you are in.

By following these tips, you can make the most of your business social media detox and come back feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

4. Tips for Staying Connected with Friends and Family Offline

In an increasingly digitized world, it can be easy to forget the importance of face-to-face interactions. However, staying connected with clients and leads offline is essential for many businesses. There are a few simple ways to stay connected with clients and leads offline, such as attending networking events, hosting workshops or meetups, or meeting one-on-one. Attend events that your target clientele would attend and make an effort to connect with people before and after the event. One-on-one interactions are also meaningful; they give you a chance to get to know someone and build rapport. Make sure to exchange business cards (yes, the real paper ones) and follow up after the meeting. By making an effort to connect with clients and leads offline, you'll build strong relationships that will last.

5. Make the Most of Your Time Away from Social Media.

While it may be tempting to delete your accounts or go cold turkey, there are a few things you can do to make the most of your time away from social media:

  1. Take inventory of how you use social media and what purposes it serves in your life and business. This will help you to be more mindful about your choices when you return to using social media.

  2. Set some boundaries about how and when you will use social media. For example, you might decide to check your accounts only once per day or limit yourself to 30 minutes of total screen time.

  3. Use your time away from social media to pursue other activities that make you feel good.

Spend time with loved ones, get outside, pick up a new hobby, or take some time for yourself. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your social media reset is genuinely beneficial for your well-being and business.


It can be tough to unplug from our devices, but it’s worth it. Taking a break from social media can give our brains and bodies the time they need to rest and recharge. And by staying connected with friends, family, and clients offline, we can strengthen our relationships in ways that simply aren’t possible online. So go ahead and take the plunge — your mind (and your loved ones) will thank you for it! How long do you plan on going without social media?

Dr. Mike Testa